Sharia Livingston

Hailing from one of the most underserved communities in Cleveland Ohio (East Cleveland), Sharia Livingston is no stranger to the struggle. Raised with her three siblings by a single mother, she decided early on that she wouldn't become a product of her environment – she would instead become a leader and change her narrative. Sharia is now a Registered Nurse turned entrepreneur and educator but above all things, she is a mother. Embarking on the journey of motherhood at the age of 16 is what shaped her into the resourceful community leader she is today. 

Over the years, Sharia struggled as a teen mom as she had a lack of support and little to no guidance. However, when things got hard, she went harder, later beating the odds and becoming the very person she wished she had growing up. Inspired by her own journey, Sharia went on to create the lifestyle apparel brand, Living Rich®, which is made to inspire you to become a leader and to Define Your Rich.

Noticing the impact that Living Rich® had on those who wore it, Sharia began incorporating the brand’s core values into all other business ventures, starting with Rich Scholars®. Created out of Sharia’s desire to educate others, Rich Scholars® is a resource that extends a helping hand to current and emerging creatives and entrepreneurs. To date, Rich Scholars® has proven to be a powerful community staple and one that Sharia is proud of. Believing in the liberation that entrepreneurship provides, she is committed to empowering those who walk behind her, beside her, and in front of her. 

Sharia leaves no stone unturned in her teachings and she prides herself on giving people the real without the fluff, a fact her Rich Scholars® students can agree with. A holy grail for emerging creatives and entrepreneurs, Rich Scholars® instills the importance of entrepreneurship in its students by providing full access to programs, events, workshops, and curriculum geared toward helping them establish their own lane, utilize their resources, execute, and prevail. This education extends beyond what is taught in an average classroom, setting Rich Scholars® and Sharia Livingston apart from the rest. 

In addition to mentoring her Rich Scholars® students and running the operations at Living Rich®, Sharia also partners with community leaders to share her story at local colleges and high schools, showing that if she can achieve her goals despite her circumstances, so can anyone. From having no guidance to being the guide, Sharia continues to build a community that promotes innovation, leadership, and encouragement to live beyond the boarders of your environment.  


Scholar Success

8 Week Program

The Rich Scholars® Scholar Success program is an 8 week program developed by Sharia Livingston to provide quality business education and training to aspiring youth entrepreneurs (High School & College), with priority given to institutions in underserved communities. The student / instructor engagement and curriculum built inside this program is guaranteed to improve college readiness and increase student attendance rates. 

Business isn’t a cake walk but we believe in giving the youth more exposure to the business environment in hopes of increasing their success as entrepreneurs. This Rich Scholars® program increases their chance of success by combining a structured learning environment with real world experience, access to exclusive mentorship, and funding opportunities at the completion of the program. 

“Plant The Knowledge; Grow A Leader”

As upcoming professional leaders, scholars are expected to excel in business basics, communication, finance and more after completing this program. Intended to give scholars a head start by preparing them during the most critical time of their lives, Rich Scholars® ensures they are equipped with the resources they need to build, manage, and scale a profitable business.


If you're interested in adding this highly anticipated curriculum to your institution, please contact [email protected] and use "Student Success Program" as the subject line to schedule an informational meeting and/or to obtain a full program outline. 


If you or someone you know would like to be a part of our next College 10 week Internship program please email [email protected] with "Internship" in the subject line. Interviews for the Spring 2023 cohort will begin in February 2023.